What You'll Find in My Fridge | Blogtober 2016 | Me Becoming Mum

My fridge is super boring to be honest, more often than not there is little to nothing in it. Here is a few items you can almost always find in there though...


This is a main component of our fridge - and we are currently going through approximately 6 pints every other day! My pregnancy heartburn is so much worse this time than it was with R, and even though I have medication for it, I prefer to just drink milk (unless it doesn't work and then I drink milk alongside taking the tablets!)

Fizzy Drinks

On the top shelf there is almost always a bottle of Pepsi Max (for John) and lemonade (for me).


Ham is a staple in our lives, because it is the sandwich filler of choice!


I am obviously not drinking at the moment, and my husband won't drink on work nights ( which is most nights), so it seems like this is one of the most pointless item to have in our fridge, but it just always seems to be there, sitting on the bottom shelf.

At other points there may also be the odd selection of snacks (sausage rolls; cocktail sausages etc.); a block of cheese (we ate what was left a couple of days ago melted on bagels); and if my husband has fancied getting us a treat, occasionally we have a nice pudding in there too!


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Naomi Hassan8 Comments