How to Involve Children in Home Decor Activities

When it comes to home decorating, we tend to think of it as an exclusively adult affair. All the complicated DIY, buying paints, sourcing outside help – it’s something you and your partner do whenever you have the time. But why not involve children in these activities too? The way a house is decorated is going to affect them too, so it makes sense for them to participate in the process. There are lots of ways to get kids involved. Here are just a few to get you started:  

Creating a Mood Board

When you start to plan an area of the home it often helps to create a mood board – a collection of images, textiles and colours that indicate the look you’re going for. This is exactly the kind of thing kids like to do. Give them resources like fabric samples and decorating magazines and together come up with inspiration for your new room.  

Involve in the Process 

There are lots of ways kids can get hands on when it comes to home decorating. For example put them in old clothes and get them to help painting walls. Or if you’re using wallpaper most kids will be able to assist in measuring out and cutting pieces, with adult supervision. Just remember to make sure the environment is always safe for little ones for example by not leaving around any hazardous tools and avoiding strong paint fumes. If you need to know how to get rid of paint smell click here for some useful advice.  

Simple Maths Tasks 

Involving children in the home decorating process can even help them with school work. For example you could ask them to do some simple maths tasks as part of the project such as adding up the cost of materials. Relate your practical work back to what they’re learning at school to help make it an educational experience.  

Researching the Decor Process 

Likewise if your little ones are learning to undertake research, you could help them practice this when it comes to decorating. If you need to know important things like how to get rid of paint smell as mentioned above, why not ask them to research it before you start.  

These are our top tips when it comes to involving kids in the home decorating process. There are lots of different things you can do that will mean they can both meaningfully participate in the task and also reinforce their formal education at the same time. Two birds, one stone! Good luck!