Newborn Photoshoots | Newborn Memories

I am just beginning to get back into the swing of blogging after taking a little break to spend time getting used to being a family of four! I plan to write a post about Pickle's newborn photoshoot; but before I do I thought I would do a quick throwback to Squidgy's.

As with the photoshoot we had for my pregnancy with Squidgy, the photos we have were taken by my brother. It may be a subject matter out of his comfort zone; but I still cherish the memories and photos we have

I still can't quite believe that we are now a family of four, and I feel quite emotional looking back at the photos of Squidgy as a tiny baby. Now, she's a big sister! Here are a few faves from our 2014 newborn photoshoot.

Family photos

Just the three of us

Three generations of first born girls

Having the photoshoot in my parent's front room meant we had the opportunity to capture a photo with my mum. She, I and Squidgy were the first born of our line and all girls!

Just Squidgy

Our little bundle of joy

So there you go. Look how tiny she was! I am so amazed by the beautiful big sister she has become. I hope you have enjoyed taking a stroll down memory lane with me.


For more blog posts about new babies from photos to must have products, check out the category here. Did you have a newborn photoshoot, or would you consider it now? Let me know in the comments below.


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Newborn Memories: Newborn Photoshoots