Beating Bad Pregnancy Skin | Colief Review | Me Becoming Mum

When I was first told about the Colief cream, and the fact it may work wonders for my pregnancy eczema, I began to research on the internet to see what the brand was all about. By the time I had found this brand, I had tried so many different options to reduce the horrible dry skin I was suffering from in areas like the inside of my elbow.

My first point of call was to check out the colief website.

From here I read a little information about their items, but I decided before I bought it to contact the company to see if they thought it would work for me, and my needs.

I was lucky enough to be offered a sample to try, and from the day it arrived, I have fallen in love with it.

After trying to find something safe that I could use during pregnancy to help reduce the itchy, dry, flaky skin that kept appearing; it was like a miracle to be able to see the difference that this cream has made. These are some of my reasons for loving my new Colief mum to be moisturising cream:

  • No mess...
    Unlike some creams, it does not feel sticky or messy when I use it. I have a slight issue when it comes to feeling dirty and messy - even if it's hand cream; so it's nice to not have to worry about this when I use the Colief cream.

  • It smells nice...
    The smell doesn't make me feel sick! This is a massive bonus - as quite a lot of smells make me sick at the moment! I am one of the rare cases where the pregnancy nausea did not stop after the first trimester.

  • It works...
    I have watched as the dry eczema skin that I suffered just a few weeks ago, disappeared! I have continued to use the cream, to ensure that it doesn't come back. So far, so good.

  • It's natural...
    The Colief mum to be moisturising cream is made up of fruit, nut and seed oils with added vitamins. Just as it is important to keep a healthy diet when pregnant, using this cream is like feeding your skin.

  • You can use it after pregnancy...
    Just because you give birth doesn't mean that the benefits of using an all-natural moisturising cream go away. I will probably reduce my usage (mainly because I can imagine my brain forgetting to use it when I have a newborn to look after) but should there be any signs of eczema or dry skin, I will make sure I pick up my Colief cream once again.

There are other items available in the Colief range, which I am lucky enough to also have ready for when my new baby arrives. I can't wait to see how well they work for us as well.

You can buy this amazing cream, from many places including Boots and Superdrug.

Disclaimer: The lovely team at Colief sent me a sample of a few items from their range, in return for an honest review. The review words and opinions are my own. All photos are copyright property of Me Becoming Mum.