My First Birth Experience | Squidgy's Birth Story

Having a new baby and our family growing from three to four has had me reminiscing. In the past I have shared post with memories from our journey to becoming parents to Squidgy including our maternity photoshoot, 4D scan and even her newborn photoshoot. Today, I thought I would share the real story: how it all happened on the day I gave birth.

My first birth experience was over almost before it began. It happened almost three years ago now, but it still feels so real and recent; as if it only happened yesterday. 

The night I gave birth to Squidgy, is one that I will never forget... and I don't think John will either! She gave us both a bit of a shock, by arriving way quicker than anyone, the midwives included, anticipated.

Making the decision to go to hospital

The night started off harmlessly enough with Braxton Hicks but rapidly moved in a very different direction. From resting with a hot water bottle; to laying in the bath; to pacing around the house (and car park); to bleeding. Not just a little, but extremely heavily. At that point I called the hospital, checked the hospital bags in my car and drove myself (yes, that's right, I drove myself!) to hospital.

At the hospital

After being monitored and informed I was only 1cm dilated and not in labour, they all agreed it was best to organise an induction for the following morning at 8am. Despite this, I knew my body was changing, and was sure I was going into labour. Every time I asked the midwife to check she was insistent I wasn't in labour. She even went as far as telling me that she had been a midwife for over thirty years and that she knew what she was doing. Basically I was wrong, she was right and that was all there was to it.

Giving birth

At 7am I told her I needed to go to the loo; but the next thing I know she’s her hammering on the door, asking me what I was doing. Stupid question, right? She let herself in, dragged me across the corridor (with my jeans and knickers around my ankles), and pulled me up onto the bed in the delivery room opposite.

"I can see your baby's head, you need to start pushing."

Needless to say, I was shocked. I called John (who was, of course, nowhere near) and told him to hurry. He had a minimum of a twenty minute journey ahead of him.

I had no pain relief (there wasn't time); I didn't scream (the midwife told me that I wasn't pushing effectively if I was using energy to scream); and I was on my own. My birth plan went out the window, and I pushed her out in just twenty minutes.

After birth

When they didn't give me my baby, I knew something was wrong. They hit the emergency button, and a siren rang out. Multiple people ran into the room. No matter how much I shouted, wanting to know where my baby was, and how she was, no one answered me.

At that moment, John walked in. I have never been so grateful to have him by my side. He hugged me, and held my hand, but most importantly he was able to tell me that he could see our baby, and that she was moving, and was O.K. He even took a photo to show me.

​It turns out that Squidgy was born with the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck and wasn't breathing, which was why they hadn't given her to me straight away.

When I finally held our quiet, content, newborn baby, it was an amazing moment. I was exhausted from not sleeping all night, and I knew in the moments that followed I would need stitches (as I had torn thanks to the speed of the birth) ​but I closed my eyes and drank in the moment.

The way that Squidgy was born was so unexpected. All I wanted was to have a natural birth, in the birthing pool, with my husband there. I even had a birth plan written out and filed with my notes. The natural part I got (if you can call having a first labour go from 1cm to baby in four and a half hours, natural!) Sadly, the rest I didn't.

Whatever the birth experience, it was amazing to finally be a family of three.

Going home

As she was born without any waters (and they didn't know when they had gone) we had to stay in hospital until the following day; just to ensure that everything was ok with both of us.

There was nothing nicer than when we finally were able to go home with our little girl, and it didn't matter that things had gone quickly and happened in a way that I hadn't planned.

To be honest, looking back I find it kind of funny now; because Squidgy is always on the go and moving at a million miles an hour. I shouldn’t be surprised with the way she came into the world. I’m just grateful she came safe and sound and now she is a beautiful big sister too!


For more blog posts about new babies from photos to must have products, check out the category here. Was your first birth quick like mine, or did your baby make you wait? Let me know in the comments below.


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Squidgy's Birth Story