World Book Day 2018 | Me Becoming Mum

Books have always been important in my life and I have passed on my love of reading to my children. World Book Day is a great time to celebrate this love.

I love books; from the smell of a new book and how relaxing reading is, to the feel of turning a page and getting to know the characters in a story. I am determined my girls will love books to and both read stories to my them and also encourage them to sit and look at books too. Here are some of the reasons why I love books and want my children to as well.

Books can be educational

Reading was one of my favourite pass times as a child, and I had a grasp of the English language far beyond my years from an early age thanks to my love of books. From learning new words, to reading books that teach life lessons, to learning how to create food in the kitchen from recipe books; there are so many ways that books are great for education whatever your age.

Books can be fun

We have loads of books in our home; the latest of which is a book called "Mr Underbed".  Complete with some homemade monster spray to keep the night time monsters at bay, this book had quickly become a favourite with Squidgy. There are so many ways that books can be fun, from making up different voices for each character (my girls always find it hilarious when I do that!) to using puppets or toys to tell the story.

Books feed your imagination

My eldest has an amazing imagination, and I find books are the best way to feed it. Reading stories of love and princesses, Loch Ness monsters and hungry caterpillars, lands far away and places close to home; are a great way to fill children's imaginations with fun, dreams and ideas for play and the future. As they grow my hope is that my girls will immerse themselves in stories as I did. Books can bring so much joy as you read; from becoming a part of the story, imagining you're on adventures with the characters and of course forever feeding your creative side!

Books bring people together

Whether it is adults getting together at a book club, or friends chatting over a coffee to discuss the latest book they're reading; or parents tucking their children up at night with a bedtime story; books are a great way to build relationships and bring people together. My girls' favourite time of day is the post-bath snuggles in pyjamas, tucked up underneath the covers together with a book (or three!) before they head off to sleep. I have to admit it's one of my favourite times too!

Books are relaxing

Books are the best way to wind down at the end of the day! Instead of the over stimulation caused by technology, books can help to create the perfect conditions for bed time, get everyone peaceful and have a chance for some quiet time together. Books are also a great way to relax during the day if you need everyone to calm down a bit, especially if you are cooped up indoors either through necessity or by choice!

So whether you are snuggling up under a blanket like theGrow awesome grey star blanket we have from Room to Grow Squidgy has, trying to keep warm in this freezing snowy weather (do you have snow too?!) or relaxing on the bed before you sleep, be sure to pick up a book and get reading this World Book Day.

Things you should know about World Book Day

What is World Book Day? 

World Book Day is a day set aside to celebrate authors, illustrators, books and, of course, reading. It’s the biggest celebration of its kind, and marked in over one hundred countries the world over.

When is World Book Day?

Thursday 1st March will be the 21st World Book Day celebration!

You can check out all the details of World Book Day on the official website.

Disclaimer: This is a collaborative post, and I have was sent a box of goodies as inspiration. These products are highlighted by the use of an asterisk (*) beside them. All views and opinions are my own. All photos are copyright property of Me Becoming Mum.

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